
I look up to the sky in search of the brightest star

Sometimes staring at the sun with bright shining rays

Stretching my hands to reach out for you

You are far yet I see you close to me

As you stay above in heaven abode

I seek for you look for you all places…everywhere

Yet seeing the glitter in that star and the glow in that sun

You are never really far from me; you are always in my heart

I loved the way we both could laugh, until we almost cried

Yet hugged each other, when real tears filled our eyes

In some ways we were so different, yet our values were alike

I always knew I would have your back, whenever trouble would strike

U knew my darkest secrets and you never judged my pain

You would validate my dreams and let me know they are not in vain

If I could turn one wish to prayer to would be

For you to see how precious you are in my eyes and how you will always be

For no matter where life leads us, from now until the end

I pray that our eternal friendship

Stays alive and is there beyond eternity


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